What is EPA omega-3?

EPA, which stands for eicosapentaenoic acid, is one of the leading fatty acids in Omega-3. It is extracted from cold-water fish such as salmon. Today, the EPA has become a primary concern for many people since it strongly impacts human health. It is found in rich quantities in fish oil supplements.

Omega -3 fatty acids are acknowledged as a strong part of a person’s healthy routine since they lower the risk of heart disease. Therefore, adding more EPA to your diet will only positively impact your physical health.

Thus, lowering the chances of coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, and even inflammation. People living in the western world don’t get enough omega-3, so they consume supplements.

What Are the Uses of EPA?

Here are a few incredible uses of EPA, which is a concrete part of the Omega-3 fatty acids:


According to enough research, it is proven that the intake of fish oil can help curtail depression. As a growing mental health disease, depression has encapsulated the lives of over 280 million people globally, and the number continues to increase. Thankfully, the use of the EPA and DHA can help reduce the symptoms of depression.

Heart Disease

Fish oil seems to be healthy for people suffering from heart disease. Plus, it also lowers the risk of heart disease in the future. EPA found in Omega-3 helps in lowering blood pressure and triglycerides. And it improves the health of arteries, preventing them from the risk of getting clogged. Blood clotting can become a primary reason for heart stroke, but the intake of fish oil can help eradicate this issue.

Menstrual Pain

Fish oil helps reduce the pain of menstrual cramps, which can be very frustrating. Menstrual cramps can be curated with the help of fish oil.


According to a recent study, it has been found that the intake of EPA can also help reduce the number of hot flashes by 1.58 in women. Plus, it also decreases the intensity of hot flashes that can be hard to handle for older women.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Several studies have revealed that the intake of EPA, found in Omega-3 fatty acids, can help eradicate inflammation symptoms. However, if the joint health is already worse, it won’t do much of a change to it for the better.

Do all omega-3 have EPA?

As explained earlier, Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for health, so they have incredible benefits for the human body. However, not every omega-3 is created equal. Amongst the 11 types, the most powerful and important ones are ALA, EPA, and DHA. Not every omega-3 has EPA.

Your body uses eicosapentaenoic acid to give birth to eicosanoids, which have a strong role in reducing inflammation. If left untreated, chronic inflammation can be detrimental to the overall body health. While looking for omega 3 health benefits, you’ll find EPA being mentioned everywhere.

What is the difference between EPA and DHA omega-3?

In simplest terms, the comparison of EPA and DHA has always been topical for health experts. DHA is acknowledged as a “neck-up” omega-3, as it has a strong impact on heart health.

On the contrary, EPA is more beneficial for mental health, as it boosts mood. DHA is required in the essential areas of the body, such as the brain, eyes, and heart. Thus, registering is a better choice for people suffering from swelling and pains. The good news is, you can acquire both of them from fish.

EPA vs. DHA: How to choose the right Omega 3 supplement

When looking for the best omega-3 supplement, you must be mindful of several factors. First of all, you need to choose the type of omega-3 that will be good for your health. Most omega-3 supplements contain little EPA and DHA. These are the most important types of omega-3 that impact your health. Ensure your diet is rich in both to have a good quality of life.

Secondly, it is best to check with a doctor who will recommend the right form of an omega-3 supplement for you. Especially when you’re already taking certain medicine, consulting with a doctor is a good idea to be on the safe side. Lastly, ensure to go through the customer reviews before deciding to purchase from a certain platform online.

Written by Sofia Alves