Recently updated on April 12th, 2024 at 08:32 pm
I am Petra Nakashian (previously Kravos), originally from Slovenia, living in England.
I strongly believe in a holistic approach to health. It’s not only about healthy eating, exercise and nutrition. It’s also about natural living, avoiding everyday toxins, choosing organic where possible, avoiding pollution where possible. It’s about stress management and a healthy mind as well.
This blog evolved over time and started as a healthy eating blog but now it’s much more than that. I like to write about everything which is linked to health and not only food.
I have not always been so interested in food, nutrition and health. I used to be quite unhealthy actually eating lots of processed foods! It’s only with time that I learnt how food can affect your health and became much more conscious of what I eat. Over time I figured out that health is a result of many different variables so I started paying attention to those as well (for example fitness, toxins around you, etc.).
I try to eat healthily as much as I can and my diet consists of lots of soups, salads, chickpeas, lentils, brown bread (in moderation), brown pasta, brown rice, quinoa, lots of vegetables, dried fruit, nuts, and fish. I eat mostly vegetarian with fish on the table once or twice a week. I rarely eat meat and I call myself a flexitarian.
I avoid fried food and instead I roast it or grill it. I do have treats from time to time though, usually weekends.
I am passionate about anything which is 100% natural and really into organic foods.
I try to eliminate harmful toxins from my daily life as much as I can and therefore always looking for the most natural ways to live my life. That’s the reason why I became really passionate about natural beauty products in the last few years. On my blog you will find a beauty section where I review natural beauty products which I buy myself and those that are sent to me by brands.
I love cycling and hiking so in my fitness section of the blog you will find my cycling and hiking adventures but also fitness tips and advice.
They say prevention is better than cure and that’s what this blog is about. If you have a history of cancer, heart disease and other illnesses in your family, there are certain things you can do to prevent them.
Both of my parents died of cancer, very young, so if I could do something to help people get healthier in order to prevent cancer I will.
On this blog, you will find ideas and suggestions on how to live a healthier and more natural life. You will be able to read well-researched health articles as well as posts about healthy lifestyle, nutrition, fitness, natural living and much more. In the Recipes sections, you will find healthy recipes to give you ideas for your own cooking. The bonus is that most of them are quick and easy to make.
Have you got any questions or feedback about this site? Then see my contact page.
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