6 Medical Treatments That Can Negatively Affect Your Fitness Goals

Recently updated on July 17th, 2024 at 10:14 am

It’s no secret that medical procedures can strongly influence your long-term health and wellness goals. But while some treatments can be beneficial, others can hinder your progress by causing side effects or interfering with exercise and nutrition plans. Getting the desired outcomes might be simple with adequate knowledge of these possible risks. Here are six medical procedures that can distress your fitness objectives in light of the above.

  1. DHT Blockers

DHT (dihydrotestosterone) blockers are fundamental for lessening the effects of the male hormone DHT. In addition to its intended use, this medication will likely affect your fitness plans. It is frequently key for the treatment of baldness or prostate enlargement. DHT blockers can impair testosterone production, reduce muscle mass, and increase body weight. 

These problems can as a result make sticking with a workout regimen or diet strategy challenging. There are trustworthy sources nowadays, with in-depth information on DHT side effects online. As you learn more, what has a more significant impact becomes more apparent. This may help you make decisions about future medication purchases.

  1. Long-Acting Sleeping Pills

It’s easy to say that sleep is a critical factor for fitness. But is it true? With proper sleep, it’s easier to get through the next day, hit the gym, and stick to a healthy diet. However, long-acting sleeping pills will always make adequate sleep even more troublesome. These pharmaceuticals create imbalances in your body’s natural circadian rhythm. It, in turn, disrupts energy levels and metabolism, which makes you experience problems with fitness objectives.

During the day, the pill’s effects can linger. This makes it challenging to stay alert and focused. It’s true to say that low energy levels can lead to skipping meals or missing workouts, which can come between you and your fitness goals.

Even so, when taking the drug according to the doctor’s instructions and paired with good sleep hygiene practices, it can be possible to get enough rest. What if you have underlying health issues? In this case, discuss your fitness objectives with your physician so they can help you manage any potential risks. 

  1. Antidepressants or Anti-Anxiety Medications

These medications are often life-saving for those who suffer from depression and anxiety. However, these medications may also negatively impact your fitness objectives. For example, some of these medications risk causing weight gain or metabolic slowdown, making it challenging to maintain a healthy weight.

Achieving your fitness goals seems hard to realize if you experience additional side effects like fatigue, wooziness, or loss of concentration, which can interfere with your exercise routines. Work closely with your doctor to discuss any potential risks. 

For maximum benefit, it’s also crucial to prioritize regular exercise as part of your overall treatment plan. Regular exercise can help reduce the risks so that the effects of these drugs don’t too drastically interfere with one’s plans. In this manner, you can manage medication side effects and still receive exercise’s psychological and physical benefits. 

  1. Pain Medication

It’s evident that painkillers come in handy as anyone deals with chronic pain or an injury. But as beneficial as these medications may be for pain management, they may also influence your fitness objectives.

The drugs may make you drowsy, which can be very demotivating. If you are not careful, you will find it hard to continue exercising and dieting. On top of this, some opioids carry the risk of addiction, which can make it challenging to break bad habits.

You can always talk it out with your doctor if you plan to use painkillers to manage chronic pain. With this, developing a treatment strategy that takes care of your physical requirements while keeping your fitness goals in mind becomes easy. 

  1. Chemotherapy

It’s crucial for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy to comprehend how this treatment may affect their fitness objectives. Hormone imbalances, fatigue, nausea, and other physical and psychological side effects of chemotherapy can make maintaining a regular exercise routine or a healthy diet challenging. 

Moreover, chemotherapy drugs impair immunity, thus, leaving you more prone to infections. Therefore, even if you can remain committed to your fitness path, it’s possible that your body will need more time to handle intense exercise or recover quickly enough. 

Your doctor can be a rich source of information on how chemotherapy will impact your capacity to adhere to exercise and dietary regimens. Besides, they can assist you in developing a treatment strategy that accounts for any possible risks while enabling you to achieve your physical objectives.

  1. Using Corticosteroids

Asthma, lupus, and arthritis are just a few of the inflammatory conditions that corticosteroids can deal with. Corticosteroids can be ingested or injected directly into affected areas to help reduce inflammation.

However, even if it’s possible to use these treatments to reduce inflammation and pain, they also carry the risk of contributing to weight gain and muscle loss. Above all, some corticosteroids are closely connected with fatigue and mood swings. 

It’s critical to comprehend how medical procedures may affect your fitness objectives. For the best management of your health and pursuit of physical goals, discuss any potential risks associated with the medications you are taking with your doctor.