Can You Eat Spicy Food After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Recently updated on October 25th, 2023 at 10:37 am

Can you eat spicy food after wisdom teeth removal? This is a question that many people ask after they have had their wisdom teeth removed. The answer is yes, you can eat spicy food after wisdom teeth removal, but you should wait until your mouth has healed completely.

In this blog post, we will discuss when it is safe to start eating spicy food again and what foods you should avoid eating after wisdom teeth extraction.

What happens during the tooth extraction procedure

During the tooth extraction procedure, your dentist will first give you an injection of local anesthesia to numb the area around the tooth. Then, they will use a dental tool to loosen the tooth and remove it from the socket.

If you are having all of your wisdom teeth removed at once, the entire procedure could take about an hour. If you are having just one or two wisdom teeth removed, the procedure will be shorter.

After the tooth is extracted, your dentist will stitch up the wound and place a bandage over it.

Your dentist will also prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection and analgesics from reducing pain. A Hamilton Hill dentist would recommend avoiding carrying heavy objects for 48 hours after the procedure. If you experience bleeding for 24 hours or more; increased swelling of the gums, jaw, and face; throbbing pain not relieved by pain medication; or oozing discharge, report to your dentist for an emergency dental checkup.

Why can’t you eat spicy food after wisdom teeth removal?

After having wisdom teeth removed, it is important to take care of your mouth as it heals. This means avoiding hard, crunchy, or sticky foods that could irritate the healing tissue. It also means avoiding spicy foods.

The removal of wisdom teeth can cause temporarily sensitive nerves in the gums. Spicy foods can aggravate these nerves and cause pain. In addition, spicy foods can also increase swelling and inflammation. Therefore, it is best to avoid them while your mouth is healing.

Once your mouth has healed completely, you can start eating spicy food again. Just be sure to take it easy at first and avoid foods that are overly spicy or difficult to chew. With a little bit of patience, you will soon be able to enjoy your favorite spicy dishes once again.

When is it safe to start eating spicy food again after wisdom teeth removal?

After wisdom teeth removal, it is important to avoid putting anything in your mouth that could irritate the healing wounds. This means no hard, crunchy, or sticky foods for at least a week, as well as no hot drinks or alcohol.

So when can you start eating spicy food again? It really depends on how your mouth is healing. It typically takes about two weeks for the mouth to heal completely but if the wounds are still tender and sore, it’s probably best to wait a bit longer before reintroducing spicy foods into your diet.

However, if your mouth is feeling better and the wounds are beginning to close up, then you can probably start eating spicy food again without much trouble.

Just be sure to take it easy at first and avoid foods that are overly spicy or difficult to chew. Listen to your body – if it starts to hurt, then it’s time to give the spice a break.

Can I eat spicy food 24 hours after tooth extraction?

After having a tooth extracted, you’ll likely be given a list of instructions by your dentist on what to do and what to avoid. One of the most common pieces of advice is to avoid eating spicy food.

Spicy foods can aggravate the wound and cause pain. They can also increase swelling and inflammation. In addition, they can also be difficult to eat if your mouth is still sore from the procedure. That’s why you shouldn’t eat spicy food 24 hours after tooth extraction.

Can I eat spicy food 3 days after wisdom tooth removal?

Eating spicy food 3 days after wisdom tooth removal is not generally recommended, as the spice can still cause irritation and delayed healing. In addition, spicy foods can also increase bleeding and swelling.

If you do want to eat spicy food, it is best to wait until the surgical site has completely healed. Depending on the person, it generally takes around two weeks for a full recovery. For some people, however, ten days is all that is needed, or even sooner.

Can I eat spicy food 7 days after wisdom tooth extraction?

It is generally recommended that you avoid eating spicy food for at least a week after having your wisdom teeth extracted. This is because the extraction process can leave your gums and oral cavity more sensitive than usual, and spicy food can irritate these areas.

However, keep in mind that everyone’s healing process is different. You may need to wait longer than seven days before you can eat spicy foods again.

Foods to avoid after wisdom teeth removal

It is important to avoid putting anything in your mouth that could irritate the healing wounds after having a tooth extracted. This means no hard, crunchy, or sticky foods for at least a week.

If you eat hard or crunchy foods it can put pressure on your other teeth and cause them to shift which can be painful. Some examples of foods to avoid:

  • popcorn
  • chips
  • ice
  • hard sweets
  • nuts
  • raw vegetables and fruits

You should also avoid spicy foods which can cause irritation and inflammation of the surgery site. Some examples of spicy foods to avoid include chilli, hot sauce, and anything else with a kick to it.

Foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal

After having wisdom teeth removed, it is important to eat soft foods that are easy to chew. This is because the surgery site will be tender and swollen, making it difficult to open your mouth wide.

In addition, you will be at risk for developing dry sockets, which can occur when the blood clot that forms at the surgery site is dislodged.

Opt for soft foods such as mashed potato, soup, eggs, yoghurt or porridge. 

What happens if I eat spicy food too soon after tooth removal?

If you eat spicy food too soon after having a tooth removed, it can irritate the area and cause pain. It can also increase the risk of infection.

So if you’re planning on eating spicy food, it’s best to wait at least a week after having a tooth removed. This will give your mouth more time to heal and reduce the risk of complications.

How can you make sure your mouth heals properly after wisdom teeth removal surgery?

Wisdom teeth removal is a fairly common surgery, but that doesn’t mean it’s without risks. In order to ensure proper healing, it’s important to take good care of your mouth following the procedure.

The first step is to follow your doctor’s instructions for pain relief and oral hygiene. You may be prescribed pain medication and told to avoid using a straw, spitting, or smoking.

You should also take it easy for the first few days after surgery. Limit your physical activity and get plenty of rest to give your body time to recover.

It’s also important to gently brush your teeth and clean your tongue, being careful not to irritate the surgical site.

Additionally, you should eat soft foods and stay hydrated to keep your mouth healthy and prevent infection. By taking these precautions, you can help ensure that your mouth heals properly after wisdom teeth removal surgery.