Sleep Apnea and Me: A Journey to a Better Life

About a third of our lives are devoted to sleeping…or trying to enter that slumbering state.

In my case, I find myself relating more with the latter.

For years now, sleep was a privilege that came in waves. There were times when I could fall asleep peacefully without interruption. But those cases were very, very rare.

Most of the time, I do end up falling asleep. Takes a few hours to get there, but I make it.

But during many of these brief moments of sleep, I get rudely awakened by a constricted feeling in my throat. This feeling of breathlessness rouses me, leaving me gasping for air and struggling to catch my breath.

This happens twice, thrice a night. And it occurs almost every night. I go about the next day irritated and exhausted. My productivity at work has even taken a dip because of these frustrating bouts, so much so that my boss has called my attention because of it.

I so desperately wanted to get a good night’s rest, to wake up feeling refreshed, that I decided to consult the family doctor. I didn’t know exactly what sleep apnea was before, but after a couple of tests, the doctor confirmed my suspicion that this was exactly what I had.

This is my journey to a better life—of overcoming sleep apnea. I’m hoping that sharing my story helps folks who are in the same boat as me. I’ll primarily be sharing some tips on how I’m managing my condition and the results it’s had on my life.

Sleep Apnea: Do You Have It?

One of the biggest challenges that come with sleep apnea is recognising its symptoms. After all, you’re not awake when the manifestations of this condition occur—you’re fast asleep!

And the morning after, many people dismiss their inability to get a good night’s rest as just a regular case of insomnia.

However, it’s important to distinguish these two conditions entirely. For people unaware of the difference, sleep apnea syndrome (SAS) is a sleep condition that happens when your breathing is interrupted as you sleep. Because of this, the quality of your rest is greatly compromised, and so is your health in general.

Insomnia can arise from sleep apnea, but they’re not the same thing.

There are a few symptoms that medical professionals look out for when diagnosing sleep apnea. Here are some of the most common signs of sleep apnea:

  • Loud snoring
  • Abrupt stops when breathing
  • Gasping for air
  • Hypersomnia.
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Irritability
  • Dry mouth in the morning
  • Headache
  • Insomnia

If you (or your partner) have a combination of any of these signs, it’s important to consult with a medical professional to get a diagnosis. Sleep apnea is a fairly prevalent condition, affecting 3% to 7% of men and 2% to 5% of women. So don’t automatically assume that you’re off the hook!

Taking The Leap with a CPAP Machine

Once I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, I felt a mix of emotions. I was relieved to finally identify the cause of all my woes. But at the same time, I felt a little bit of apprehension. The CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine will have to be plugged in and used every single night, and this sort of commitment is quite a drastic lifestyle change.

But after a session with my doctor and a few hours of reading the manual and tinkering, I learned how to work this machine. Mind you, there are different types of CPAP machines out there (look at, for example, to find the various machine types), so it’s best to consult with your doctor about the most suitable option for you. But I eventually did it—and the stark difference in the following days was profound.

How a CPAP Machine Improved my Life

Using a CPAP machine regularly was like—if I may—a breath of fresh air. It improved my quality of life in many different ways.

Who knew this could happen with a sleep machine? I’m not afraid to get into more detail: here are the most notable life improvements I’ve noticed after using the CPAP machine more regularly:

  1. Better sleep: This sleep improvement is obvious, but it can’t be stressed enough. I can finally sleep! And not just sleep without interruptions; I also noticed that I wind down for bed much more quickly.
  2. Reduced my risk of chronic health issues: Obstructive sleep apnea has been linked by many studies with a plethora of chronic health issues such as heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. I have a family history of heart disease, so mitigating these risks is always good for my peace of mind.
  3. It increased my productivity: Because I get more rest and wake up energised, my productivity has increased significantly. I can easily tackle tasks with a much clearer mind, even when faced with challenging problems.
  4. My hubby complained less: My loud snoring was a source of frustration in the bedroom; thankfully, this is no longer an issue now that I can sleep soundly.
  5. I felt happier: The energy boost, the lack of lethargy in the daytime, and knowing that my sleeping pattern is under control are feelings I dearly missed. Regaining this agency is a blessing only a CPAP machine could provide. And I’m forever grateful!

Final Thoughts

I’m sure that many of you out there can relate to my story. Whether it’s snoring, persistent insomnia, or daytime moodiness, sleep apnea can be a pain in the bum to deal with.

However, with the right help and the right CPAP machine, you can start feeling better in no time. If you’re on the fence regarding buying a CPAP machine, take it from a former sleep apnea sufferer: it’s 100% worth a shot!

Author’s Bio: 
Chelsea Rogers is an aspiring journalist and marketing student based in Melbourne, Australia. She is passionate about growing her portfolio as a journalist and is particularly interested in social justice reporting. She is an avid music lover and regularly performs at local venues with her band.