Why It’s Important For Men To Have Healthy Testosterone Levels In The Body

manby Emily Brown

Testosterone refers to a hormone that’s produced mainly in the adrenal glands and ovaries in women and the testicles in men. This hormone is vital to male growth, development and masculine characteristics.

When it comes to women, testosterone occurs in smaller amounts.

The production of testosterone increases approximately thirty times more in the adolescence stage and early adulthood as well. After early adulthood, it is normal for these levels to drop a little every year. Once you hit 30 years of age, your body might see a decline of one per cent per year.

Concered you have low testosterone levels?

If you are a man and concerned about lower testosterone levels, it’s advisable to see your doctor. That’s because although it is normal for your testosterone levels to decrease as you age, some symptoms like increased body fat, erectile dysfunction, or decreased muscle mass might be a symptom of other underlying conditions.

Improving your levels of testosterone

You might be interested in improving your levels of testosterone if your physician says you have hypogonadism, lower testosterone or require testosterone replacement treatment for other conditions.

To increase your testosterone levels, you can try some natural methods such as supplementing with certain vitamins or herbs, and eating foods such as garlic, tuna, egg yolks, oysters and many others. You can eat these foods to boost testosterone naturally, but before you consider these alternatives and other natural therapies consult with your doctor. That’s because some might interact with some medications you might be taking and eventually cause unintentional side effects.

Benefits of healthy testosterone levels in men

Strengthens the bones

Healthy testosterone plays a significant role when it comes to bone mineral density. The density of bones decreases with age in men and as the level of testosterone drop. That increases the risk of osteoporosis and weak bones. Stronger bones assist in supporting your internal organs and muscles, which can also boost athletic performance.

Some studies indicate that the density of bones increases with testosterone therapy as long as the medication is high enough. According to clinical tests on the effects of testosterone on the density of bones, there are boosts in the hip and spinal bone density. But it’s not known if healthy testosterone can assist in reducing fracture risk.

More muscle, less fat

muscular man

Healthy testosterone is typically responsible for more muscle mass. Leaner body physique helps to increase energy and control weight. For men with lower testosterone, research shows that treatment can reduce fat mass and also increase muscle strength and size. Some men noted a change in lean body mass without any increase in strength. However, you are likely to see the most benefits once you combine testosterone treatment with strength exercise and training.

Better verbal memory and spatial abilities

According to research, men with higher levels of testosterone have a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease. There is also some evidence for a solid correlation between thinking abilities and testosterone such as faster processing speed and verbal memory. Testosterone therapy for men between the ages of 34 and 70 years has shown an incredible boost in spatial memory.

Improved mood

Low levels of testosterone are usually associated with poor quality of life. Depression, irritability, and fatigue are some of the signs of lower levels of testosterone. But some studies indicate that this might only be for those men with hypogonadism.

For men whose bodies typically follow the natural decrease of testosterone with time do not show any increase for depression.

However, the impact of testosterone replacement treatment on your mood can vary drastically. Men with hypogonadism noted reduced irritability and fatigue, as well as improved mood and general well-being. Research shows that this kind of treatment can be an effective antidepressant therapy as well.

Strengthens the heart

A healthy heart will easily pump blood to the whole body, providing your organs and muscles with the oxygen required for ultimate performance. Healthy testosterone assists in the production of red blood cells through your bone marrow. Low levels of testosterone are associated with many risks of cardiovascular illnesses.

Small studies conducted in the early 2000s discovered that men with heart conditions who underwent hormone therapy recorded only some slight improvements. Some of them were able to boost their walking distance by approximately 33%, while another study showed that testosterone therapy only widened the healthy arteries but did not have any effects on angina pain.

A recent, extensive study of a total of 83,000 men discovered that men whose levels of testosterone went back to normal were 36% less likely to have a stroke and 24% less likely to experience a heart attack.

Improve erections and increase libido

The testosterone levels rise naturally in response to sexual activity and arousal. Men with healthy testosterone levels typically have higher sexual activity, but senior men require more testosterone for erectile function as well as libido.

However, it’s good to remember that erectile dysfunction occurs mostly due to medications or other underlying conditions and not low levels of testosterone.

Research shows that testosterone treatment can improve your sexual performance and health. It also indicates that there’s a maximum level of testosterone before there is no increased response. However, for men without hypogonadism, increasing the levels of testosterone might not benefit their libido.

The issue of testosterone has recently picked up pretty unfortunate associations, but in reality, it is something every man must understand and get concerned about. According to the benefits discussed above, testosterone is what typically shapes your mind and body. Remember that regular exercise and a healthy diet are necessary for good health and healthy levels of testosterone in men.

Author bio
Emily Brown is a keen writer covering topics such as Internet Marketing, SEO, Travel, Beauty and the such. She enjoys spending time with her two kids in her past time.