4 Common Myths About Dietary Supplements Debunked

Set to reach$220.3 billion by 2022, the global dietary supplement market is enormous. As such, there are many key players in the market and a lot of information out there for consumers to access. Unfortunately, some of that information isn’t entirely accurate. There are several myths and misconceptions that exist within the dietary supplement sector, which can make it confusing to know which supplements to take (based on your age, sex, and health conditions) and how to take them responsibly.

Want to cut through the nonsense and find the answers you’ve been searching for? Here are four common myths about nutritional supplements and the realities you need to know to ensure your health and safety.

1. They Only Come in Pill Form

When you think about dietary supplements, the image that comes to mind is probably a handful of massive pills that are tough to swallow. While many supplements do come in pill form, this isn’t the only form they come in. In fact, dietary supplements can come in gel capsules, chewable tablets, powders, extracts, and liquids. Consider Burbur Pinella, for instance; this cleansing herbal supplement typically comes in the form of an extract. You simply use the dropper to extract the liquid and infuse roughly 20 drops into a glass of water before drinking.

2. More Is Always Better

When it comes to dietary supplements, more isn’t always better. On the contrary, taking too many supplements – also known as “megadosing” – can actually be quite dangerous. According to the American Cancer Society, for example, taking too much vitamin C can hinder the body’s ability to absorb copper, a metal needed for the human body to function properly. Similarly, too much phosphorus can prevent the body from properly absorbing calcium. The organization also explains that the human body can’t rid itself of large doses of vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin K, meaning toxic levels can be reached if too much is ingested.

Echoing this sentiment is the UK’s National Health Service, which highlights that too much vitamin A over long periods of time can cause bones to become brittle and potentially break. This is especially a concern among older women, who are at a higher risk of osteoporosis. Similarly, the NHS states that too much vitamin D can cause calcium to build up in the body, potentially leading to weaker bones, as well as kidney or heart damage. The service recommends taking no more than 1,000 micrograms of vitamin D per day.

When taking any dietary supplement, it’s vital to speak to your doctor beforehand to understand proper dosing techniques and ensure your overall health and well-being.

3. You Can’t Take More Than One Type of Supplement at a Time

While some people believe that more is always better, some people have the opposite misconception, believing that they need to restrict themselves to one type of supplement. Sometimes, this perception stems from the fear of taking too much of certain nutrients, which as we have just discussed, can be dangerous. However, there are ways to take multiple supplements at the same time without putting your health at risk.

According to the British Dietetic Association (BDA), you can ensure that you don’t megadose on any one vitamin by always taking the recommended dosage (as stated on the bottle) and by not doubling up on any nutrients. For instance, if you’re already taking a multivitamin containing the daily recommended dose of vitamin A, you should refrain from taking additional vitamin A supplements, as this could cause health complications down the line. Again, before incorporating any nutritional supplements into your daily routine, speak to your doctor to ensure you’re not taking too many or too few.

4. Supplements Should Only Be Used by People with Deficiencies

Certain people need supplements to fill gaps in their health caused by deficiencies in minerals and vitamins. For example, some people suffer from iron deficiencies, or vitamin D deficiencies. As a result, they need to take supplements to maintain their levels of such substances. However, the idea that only these individuals should take dietary supplements is a myth.

There is a wide range of nutritional supplements that offer an array of perks, many of which even the healthiest person can still benefit from. Collagen, for example, is excellent for promoting healthy skin, hair, and gut health. Even if you don’t suffer from a skin condition or hair loss, you can still reap these benefits by taking these supplements.

In an industry as rich and diverse as the dietary supplement sector, there is bound to be some misinformation out there about the nature of these supplements, how to take them and who can take them. However, if you educate yourself on the realities, you can debunk these myths and feel confident in incorporating nutritional supplements into your everyday regimen.

Author Bio
Kelly Reed began writing as a professional on her personal blog and then discovered her true calling, writing about technology, News, Home Improvement, Business, and general. I am a technical writer, author, and blogger since 2010.