The Top 5 Foods For IBS Sufferers

Recently updated on February 7th, 2022 at 04:56 pm

Today I have a guest post for you from lovely Carly, blogging over at Well Being Journal. Carly was diagnosed with IBS three years ago and since then she’s been researching this digestive problem and finding out what eases her symptoms and what makes it worse.

IBS symptoms and trigger-foods vary from person-to-person and this is what Carly loves to learn about and share with her readers. Here is what she has to say about IBS and the best foods to eat to keep the symptoms under control…

If you think you have IBS or have been diagnosed with it, you’ll certainly be looking for some quick way to suppress it. If you suffer from abdominal pain after eating, feel unusually fatigued and either struggle with going to the toilet or visit far too frequently, you may need to start shifting your diet to suit your digestive ailment.

IBS differs from person-to-person but there are a few foods which are common IBS trigger-foods known by nutritionists and sufferers alike for the digestive problems they cause. Your aim should not be to eliminate whole food groups, otherwise, you’ll lack vital nutrients necessary for your body to work at its best. Instead, try making small changes… and that starts with breakfast!



Wheat and other gluten-based foods run rife at breakfast time. They make up a great proportion of the cereal aisle and become quite difficult to avoid. Most IBS sufferers find they fare better when they cut gluten out of their diet as the stomach is required to emit a certain high level of acid in breaking it down. Those with digestive ailments tend to struggle to produce enough of this stomach acid.

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Blueberries are a high-fibre, low-fructose fruit, meaning they won’t irritate your stomach with high insulin levels and will promote a level digestion. Fruits, understandably, are good for you but high fructose fruits like pineapple or mangoes may prove more difficult to break down and could cause as many problems as eating a sugary cake. Fructose is the naturally occurring sugar in fruits, but as the gut must produce high levels of acid to break down its contents, going low-fructose is always better.


These are great energy-boosting food which is easily digested due to its solubility. Soluble fibre is managed much better in the bowels as it attracts water and slows down the digestive process. Try the riper ones if you suffer from IBS-D. You can incorporate bananas into loads of healthy IBS-friendly recipes too – take a look at my sugar-free ice-cream recipe for complete indulgence without the tummy troubles!


Linseeds or flaxseeds contain a lot of fibre, which means your body can develop good bacteria in the gut. The high levels of omega-3 also mean your body is constantly producing new healthy cells, tempting away any inflammation. You can add linseeds to muesli or salad for a crunchy addition.

Natural yoghurt

natural yoghurt

Naturally sweet and a pleasant alternative to milk, you can add natural yoghurt to breakfast foods or fruit as a snack. Most IBS sufferers struggle digesting the milk proteins in dairy, and natural yoghurt is a great way to incorporate some dairy into your diet as the bacteria deployed in the fermentation process abets the digestion of milk proteins.

Other great foods for IBS sufferers include natural foods like rhubarb, carrots, fish, avocado, nuts and eggs.

But like I said, you really can only know how good these foods work for IBS when they’re specifically applied to you. Try them out, or aim to make some trade-offs to see the effects in your digestion. Who knows – you might even prefer it!

For more IBS advice, take a look at My Well Being Journal (Please note: reading the blog may cause irrational hunger pangs)

* Please note that this blog post is not intended to act as medical advice and if you think you have an IBS, you should consult your doctor for advice first.

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