Recently updated on September 21st, 2024 at 09:06 am
Nescafe is one of the top coffee brands in the world known for its rich and aromatic coffee. Many people drink it daily to increase their energy levels but what about weight loss? Can Nescafe coffee help you lose weight?
Over the years the company has developed products such as the Nescafe Gold, Classic, Original 3 in 1, Black Roast, and Pro Slim that are all believed to help burn fat. But do they really work? In this post, you will learn everything about coffee and weight loss and whether you should drink Nescafe coffee to lose weight.

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How coffee may help you lose weight
To start off the answer to the question of whether or not coffee can help lose weight will depend on who you ask. So far there has been no conclusive scientific proof that coffee actively triggers weight loss. However, studies show that certain nutrients in coffee interact with the human nervous system in ways that could encourage weight loss. Here is how:
1) Coffee increases energy levels
Coffee is known to contain stimulants that can help boost energy expenditure. Spending more energy means your body is breaking down excess calories at a faster rate thus, encouraging weight loss.
The most important of these stimulants is caffeine. This stimulant blocks the production of adenosine, a neurotransmitter (a chemical that helps transmit information between nerve cells) that emits a sleep signal when in contact with adenosine receptors.
This has the effect of boosting energy levels in the body by encouraging the firing of neurons and increases the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine. This makes you feel more energized and awake.
As a result, we stay active for longer periods of time and burn more calories. This study shows that ingesting caffeine can possibly increase physical performance.
2) Coffee mobilizes lipids in the body
In times of stress or fatigue, when the body needs energy, fatty acids get released from adipose (fat) tissues and deployed for use. This process is called lipid mobilization.
Caffeine present in coffee facilitates this process by stimulating the nervous system to produce adrenaline that signals to lipid-containing cells to break down fats that get released into the bloodstream. However, once these fats are liberated into the bloodstream they need to be further broken down by spending this energy either by exercising or with a balanced diet. If not, this may have the opposite effect and push you to gain more weight.
3) Coffee boosts the basal metabolic rate
The metabolic rate refers to how many calories the body can break down. On the other hand, the basal metabolic rate (BMR) refers to how fast the body can break down calories after the digestive system has been inactive for a minimum of 12 hours.
Coffee contains caffeine that has been proven to speed up the BMR by increasing the burning of fat by 3- 4% in both lean and obese people. The higher your metabolic rate, the easier it becomes for you to lose weight as well as eat without gaining extra pounds.
4) Coffee helps reduce appetite
One of the important steps in losing weight is controlling one’s appetite. This may not always be easy for most people. Adding coffee to your diet may help solve this problem as it affects the satiety hormone to suppress hunger.
Although there is no scientific evidence that points to a cause-effect relationship between caffeine and reduction in appetite, studies show that caffeine decreases the level of ghrelin in the body, the hormone responsible for making you feel hungry. This goes a long way to reduce calorie intake.
Another 2014 study revealed similar results. The participants experienced an increase in satiety levels and a drop in their food intake after 4 weeks of regularly drinking coffee.
Can Nescafe coffee help you burn fat and lose weight?
Nescafe products are low in calories which makes them an ideal choice for anyone looking to start a diet. So, yes, Nescafe coffee can help you lose weight due to all the effects it has on the body. However, you still need to make sure your diet is balanced and healthy otherwise coffee will have very little or no effect on your weight loss. Being more active will also help.
It should be noted that in the long run, it is possible for the body to develop a tolerance. This is the case with any brand of coffee.
To avoid developing a tolerance to coffee, consider alternating coffee in your diet two weeks on and the next two off.
Which Nescafe coffee is best for weight loss?
Below are the best Nescafe coffee types to include in your diet:
Nescafe Protect ProSlim
NESCAFE Protect ProSlim is a well rounded aromatic instant coffee mix with 4,000mg of fibre. This coffee is low in fats, has zero cholesterol, and contains White Kidney Bean Extract, a strong diuretic great for weight loss. . The fibre present in it helps to ease digestion and excretion.
White kidney bean extract helps reduce the absorption of carbohydrates thus, their calories. This compound can therefore reduce body weight and body fat levels in a way similar to simple caloric restriction.
The Nescafe Protect ProSlim contains merely 60 calories (1g of fat/serving) per serving of 17.4 g. This requires only 6 minutes of running to burn off.
NESCAFÉ Black Roast Instant Coffee
This is the most intense Nescafe coffee made with rich and dark roasted beans. It is made with no additives such as sugar, milk, or cream. Therefore, ideal for anyone on a diet. It contains only 2 calories per teaspoon and has less fat than most coffees with just 0.2g of fat per serving of 20 grams.
NESCAFÉ Original 3 in 1 Brown Sugar with Healthier Choice
This coffee is certified Healthier Choice because of its low sugar and low saturated fats level. It is a blend of coffee, cream, and brown sugar ideal for those who are trying to lose weight but who do not stand plain black coffee. It contains 75 calories per serving of 17g. Each sachet contains only 1.6g of fat.
NESCAFÉ GOLD Instant and Roast Ground Coffee
This coffee combines instant, roast, and ground coffee to give one of Nescafe’s most high-quality coffee. This coffee is great for weight loss as it has only 2 calories per teaspoon but just like any other coffee is still able to boost the metabolic rate.
This instant coffee is also great to include in a diet because of its very low-calorie value. It contains only 2 calories per mug (that is a teaspoon of coffee of 1.8g in 200ml of water), and a trace of fats.
Either of these coffees listed above will help you on your weight loss journey. But the Nescafe Protect Pro slim is the best option as it is specially designed to facilitate weight loss. In addition to all the caffeine and other antioxidants naturally present in coffee, it contains additional fibre and white bean extract that reduce calorie absorption. The Nescafe GOLD Instant and Roast Ground Coffee come close after the Protect Proslim.
It should be noted that the most effective way to drink coffee to burn fat is by drinking it black. Additives such as sugar, milk, cream, etc will increase the number of calories you ingest in the long run. Also, speciality coffees and other caffeine-containing products such as tea, sodas, etc. contain lots of calories that could draw you away from your weight loss goals. For example, cream alone adds between 110-140 calories and 9-13 grams of fat to a cup of coffee.
How to make black coffee with Nescafe for weight loss
As earlier said, black coffee is the best way to drink coffee to benefit from all its fat-burning properties.
To make black coffee with Nescafe instant coffee you simply add a teaspoon of coffee into a cup, add boiling water (200 ml) and stir.
If drinking black coffee is difficult use natural sweeteners such as stevia which has zero calories.
How does Nescafe coffee help in weight loss and burning fat?
Nescafe coffee products are made with the best coffee beans which are high in caffeine and other stimulants that facilitate the breakdown of fats. They also are very low in calories making them a great beverage choice when on a diet.
Is Nescafe coffee fattening?
No, Nescafe coffee is not fattening. Even products such as the Nescafe 3 in 1 Original and the Nescafe 3 in 1 Healthier choice that contain additives do not contain enough fats to make you gain significant weight.
Does Nescafe coffee have calories?
Yes, coffees produced by Nescafe contain calories but many of them have only 2 calories per teaspoon such as NESCAFE GOLD Blend.
How many cups of Nescafe coffee should you drink to lose weight?
The daily dose of caffeine safe for human consumption is 400mg. On average a cup of brewed coffee contains 95g of caffeine. Ideally, drinking 4 cups of coffee per day while restricting your calorie intake will help with weight loss.
Remember, excess caffeine in the body may have adverse effects such as increased nervousness, insomnia, nausea, increased blood pressure, and other problems.