Lifestyle Changes During Menopause – It’s All About Self-Care

Recently updated on March 25th, 2024 at 05:08 pm

Each woman experiences menopause differently. However, all of them feel that both their mind and body are affected. It is also a time when they need to make numerous lifestyle changes. But there is nothing to be afraid of when this transition comes. In fact, there are quite a few ways to improve the quality of your life during that time.

Most importantly, to deal with hormonal balance changes, you need to change your daily routine and pay more attention to self-care. As a result, you will live a healthier and better life, and at the same time, effectively combat unpleasant menopause-symptoms. Do you want to know how to deal with the menopause transition with self-love and a smile on your face? If that is the case, then keep on reading!

Hot Flashes

Most women suffer from mild hot flashes during menopause. The tips to help you deal with them include taking dietary supplements like Provitalize. Such supplements can regulate your body temperature and make you sleep better. You will no longer have to wake up in the middle of the night damp or drenched in sweat!

When you go to sleep, remember to lower the room temperature. It’s a good idea to air your room or put a fan in the corner of your bedroom. As a result, you will have a greater chance of avoiding a sleepless night.

Additionally, if you’re a smoker, it’s high time to quit. In the early stages of menopause, tobacco increases its unpleasant symptoms. On top of that, it has a huge negative impact on your general wellness and health. Treat menopause as an opportunity to change your lifestyle and take care of your health more! You can start with reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke per day.

Dry Skin

When you enter menopause, you might start to feel like your skin is dryer. Consequently, you should start paying more attention to your skin-care routine. Remember to moisturize your body after each shower. You can also try various aromatic oils! They will make your skin more moisturized and you will feel more relaxed. You might be surprised by how great you will start feeling after improving your skin-care routine!

Vaginal Dryness

Low estrogen levels cause a decrease in vaginal secretions and make the vaginal walls thinner. As a result, you are very likely to be suffering from vaginal dryness. It is quite problematic, as it that can cause you to experience pain during or after sex, as well as urinary problems.

However, plenty of women feel relieved when they use water-based lubricants. They are bound to significantly improve the quality of your sex life.

Sleep Disturbances

If it’s another night in a row when you can’t fall asleep, or you woke up again in the middle of the night, it’s time to change your sleep schedule. Try to go to sleep at the same hour each night and avoid going to bed late at night.

Don’t forget about physical activity! Everybody knows that exercising is crucial to staying in shape and living a better life. On top of that, it can help you sleep better! Nevertheless, plenty of women choose to give up physical activity.

If you do not like sports, you can begin by trying new things that are less intense and more relaxing, such as yoga, swimming, or dancing. And if your daily schedule is too busy, just go for a short walk in the morning, or do a short workout before you go to sleep.

Mood Changes

Mood swings that you experience due to the continually changing hormone levels can negatively affect your well-being and the well-being of your family members. To tackle that problem, try physical exercises or breathing exercises so that you feel less tense and more relaxed.

They’re not time-consuming at all. In fact, spending as little as 10 minutes on conscious breathing and meditation in the morning is more than enough. Once you are done, you are guaranteed to feel more relaxed throughout the whole day.


You can relieve the symptoms of menopause by paying attention to your self-care routine. Take care of your body and mind, and you’ll be surprised by how much your quality of life has improved. It’s a great time to implement some changes and quit old destructive habits like smoking, excessive drinking, or overeating. You will feel better and enter that new chapter of your life without major issues.

In conclusion, be gentle to yourself and listen to your body. Don’t get nervous about the symptoms that you have no control over. If you feel overwhelmed, don’t push yourself to the limits! Instead, take a step back and consider taking a long hot bath. This is what self-care is all about – accepting and taking care of your body and mind, as well as giving yourself time to rest and recharge your batteries.

Author’s Bio:
Beata Hardzei is a freelance writer from Poland. She specializes in health & lifestyle content and wants to educate everyone on the importance of mental health. She’s also finishing her MA in journalism studies, dreams about publishing a book, and hopes to inspire people with her articles.

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