A Holistic Approach to Health: 3 Key Areas to Focus On

Recently updated on March 25th, 2024 at 05:33 pm

holistic approach to health

Health is a result of different variables and it’s not just about healthy eating and exercise. Yes, these are just some of the things you should pay attention to in order to be healthy, but being healthy is much more than that. You need to dig deeper into assessing the weak areas of your day-to-day life that could potentially be a contributing factor as to why your health is deteriorating. Remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach for everyone, given that different people also have their respective health issues that need to be addressed.

Being healthy means different things to different people, everyone has their own definition of ‘healthy’ and there is nothing wrong with that. But I encourage you not to ignore all the things that contribute to your health – don’t focus only on things that you believe will bring you health. Keeping a blind eye won’t help you, you will be missing out!

I do understand that some people just don’t care and cannot be bothered. They just want their lives to be simple without thinking about every single thing which is totally fine. I am not against anybody’s approach to life. However, remember that what you do today to take care of your health can affect your future. With only one life to live, it’s very important that you make the most out of keeping your health in top shape. More than just looking good, it’s about feeling good so that every day, you can be the best version of yourself in your job, to your family, and to everyone else surrounding your life.

But if your goal is to be healthier and you want to make conscious efforts to be a healthier version of yourself, then you should not ignore a holistic approach to health and all the variables that lead to the best health naturally and holistically. Here is what you should pay attention to:

Mind and body connection

The connection between mind and body is not new. Our health is heavily affected by our emotions and thoughts so do try and be more mindful, paying attention to your thoughts and emotions. What’s going through your head? Is it positive or negative?

Remember the saying, what your mind can perceive, your body can achieve. Often the limits that you set in your mind are only there: in your mind. The more that you train your mind to think positively, the higher the likelihood for your body to actually go beyond these limits.

Apart from the positive mindset that you train your mind to believe in, there are also powerful stones you can use and bring with you every day, which can help relax your mind. Some of these include amethyst, rose agate, and obsidian. Learn more about these, such as obsidian meaning, here.

John Hagelin, Ph.D., a renowned quantum physicist, science and public policy expert, educator, and author said:

Happier thoughts lead to essentially a happier biochemistry. A happier, healthier body. Negative thoughts and stress have been shown to seriously degrade the body and the functioning of the brain, because it’s our thoughts and emotions that are continuously reassembling, reorganizing, re-creating our body.

Natural and preventive approach to health

Modern medicine is focused on treating symptoms and has no interest in the cause of the disease. That’s how all these big pharmaceutical companies make loads of money, right! But taking lots of medicines and pills will never bring you the health that you are after.

Yes, there is a place for medicines in people’s lives as they help people live longer and they are great for treating various illnesses and diseases. But don’t we rely on these too much?

I am not saying people should not take medicines when they need to, not at all but instead of relying on medication so much, why don’t we all assess our health right now and think about what we can do today to prevent modern-day diseases and illnesses so that we don’t have to rely on medicines so much when we are older.

The best is to do a complete health MOT to see where you stand now and then take any necessary action. Is your liver not working properly as you drink too much? Then do something about it, don’t let it get worse! You may need a holistic treatment to help you with this specific issue, but don’t just ignore it.

Or maybe your cholesterol is a little bit on the high side. Learn about the causes of high cholesterol and then make a plan on how you are going to bring it down.

Whatever the results of your health MOT show (I recommend Medichecks for that), just take a note and see what you need to change in your life in order to improve your health and prevent any diseases in the future.

Stress management

When you are taking a holistic approach to health, stress is one of the most important factors to consider. Stress can create so many health issues for people and if you really want to be healthy you need to learn how to manage stress efficiently.

First of all, you need to discipline yourself to tune into your thoughts and emotions. How are you feeling? Is this affecting you negatively?

Pay attention to your breathing. When we are stressed our breathing becomes quick and shallow which can lead to panic and anxiety attacks.

Take deep, slow breaths to calm yourself down. Slow deep breaths slow our heart rate down and help us relax, so “check-in” with your breathing a few times a day and make it a routine to take a few slow deep breaths to help keep you at a level of calmness. Before facing a stressful situation, it’s highly recommended that you first take a deep breath and calibrate your mind to believe that this is something you have total control over. It can help you feel lighter and better when you don’t rush things right away, particularly when you already started the day on a very stressful note.

Reduce stress levels by taking regular breaks and dedicate some time only for yourself. Go for a walk, read a book, or take a bath. Do something that relaxes you and your stress levels will definitely drop. Apart from that, here are other tips you can apply to manage your stress:

  • Always keep a positive attitude. Remember that nothing negative lasts forever. Even the ugliest of all situations will see its demise.
  • Take a walk, or give yourself time to run around the park.
  • Eat healthy and well-balanced meals.
  • Never bring home any stressful work, so you can rest well for the night.
  • Learn to say no to requests that you can’t handle, or those that’ll only bring you stress.

Wrap up

So these are the key areas you should focus on if you want to take a holistic approach to health and be the healthiest version of yourself. Remember that being healthy isn’t just about your physical health. Much of it also has to do with your mental health. These two have to work hand-in-hand if you wish for your health to improve as a whole. This is in addition to eating healthily and exercising regularly. I hope this helps you assess your current state of health and discover the things that you need to act on. So don’t delay, take action today for a healthier you in the future!


  1. Great post, I speak about the mind-body connection with my clients of personal training all the time. It relates to so many things in our lives like nutrition, exercise and so much more. Thanks for this article and keep up the great writing.

    1. It’s good to hear you also believe in the mind-body connection. There is no doubt this is very important aspect to take into consideration when trying to be healthier.

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