Breaking Taboos: Open Conversations about Women’s Health

As an OB-GYN in a busy gynaecology outpatient clinic, it is not unusual to see women self-consciously and reluctantly telling you issues they deem embarrassing to talk about. The way they lean forward with uncomfortable body language makes you almost sense what’s coming next: “I have this issue of foul-smelling vaginal discharge…” “I can not […]

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Addressing Chronic Headaches: Can Orthodontic Solutions Help?

Chronic headaches can be debilitating, affecting one’s quality of life and productivity. While there are various factors that contribute to chronic headaches, including stress, diet, and sleep patterns, one often overlooked aspect is dental health. In this blog, we’ll explore the potential link between orthodontic solutions and chronic headaches, shedding light on how seeking the […]

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Empower Your Health: Navigating Psoriatic Arthritis Flare-ups

Ironically, you’re more powerful than you think when battling psoriatic arthritis flare-ups. You’ve got the ability to recognize early signs, adjust your lifestyle, and manage stress effectively. It’s not just about medication; your diet and exercise play a big role too. So, let’s delve into how you can harness this power to navigate your flare-ups, […]

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Do Kalms Really Work? A Comprehensive Guide

Ever had one of those nights where you just can’t switch off? You’re not alone. I’ve been there! On restless nights, my go-to has been chamomile tea, but I’ve heard whispers about Kalms. They’re not just for sleep; there’s a daytime version too, aimed at easing stress and anxiety. Being a herbal remedy, I was […]

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A Healthy Smile: How Your Lifestyle Choices Affect Your Oral Health

A radiant smile and strong teeth often speak volumes about an individual’s lifestyle choices. They aren’t solely the result of genetics but also from daily nutrition, hydration, and self-care decisions. The foods people savour, the beverages they opt for, and the diligence they uphold oral hygiene practices all play crucial roles in determining oral health.  […]

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Boosting Natural Healing After Eye Surgery

Eye surgery can be a life-changing experience, especially for those who have lived in a blurry world for a while. It’s essential to emphasize that nurturing your eyes back to health doesn’t solely rest in the hands of your surgeon; your diligent aftercare also plays a pivotal role. While there’s no magic bullet to speed […]

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How Does Obesity Affect Men’s Sexual Health?

Recently updated on May 1st, 2024 at 09:32 pmYour weight tells a story—it’s more than just a number on the scale. For men, it’s a crucial sign that may echo problems in your private life too. And yes, that includes your bedroom performance. But how does obesity affect your sexual health? Let’s delve into this […]

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Enhancing Bone Health and Preventing Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a medical condition that causes the bone to become thin and brittle. We lose bone mass as we age, but getting osteoporosis is not a normal part of aging. A sufferer won’t feel symptoms in most conditions until a bone breaks. A broken bone in the spine is the most common manifestation of […]

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