Can CBD Hemp Capsules Make You Feel Constipated?

As the popularity of CBD is growing, its various aspects are coming out of the shed. One of them is the problem of constipation. Almost 12% of Americans go through irritable bowel syndrome. If it is true, then consuming CBD can further fuel the numbers. Although constipation is not a fatal disease, it makes you […]

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Is Lurpak Butter Healthy?

Lurpak is one of the leading brands of butter sold in the UK. While more than 800,000 packets are sold each year, butter is traditionally thought of as bad for you, rather than good. But what is the truth about Lurpak butter? Is it healthy? In this article, we investigate this popular brand of butter and […]

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Do almonds contain arsenic?

Almonds are considered a healthy snack as they contain a variety of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, manganese and magnesium. They also contain healthy fats and are high in protein and fibre. Many people are not aware that you can also find some harmful substances in almonds, for example, glycoside amygdalin. This is […]

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What Are The Health Benefits Of Weightlifting?


Lifting weights is the way to go if you want to lose weight and build muscle mass in your lower and upper extremities. At the moment, you can’t swing a kettlebell without coming across some workout expert, exercise program, or book that encourages people to not only lift weights but to lift heavier weights. Lifting […]

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Top tips for how to help prevent golf injuries

Almost all golfers know that golf is a mental sport, but it is also a physical sport as well. Like many other sports, it can be very good for your health in several ways, however, injury and strain are just as possible. Here you can find tips on how to prevent common golf-related injuries. Warming […]

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Is there arsenic in quinoa?

Many foods we eat daily are contaminated with arsenic, a known poison and carcinogen. Rice is one of those foods and for this reason, many health-conscious consumers are now exploring alternatives such as quinoa. But, does quinoa also contain arsenic or is it arsenic-free? What levels of arsenic can you find in quinoa vs rice? […]

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Is Plant-Based Good for Kids?

Eating a plant-based diet can be challenging for adults, and even more so for kids. For example, you’ll have to plan healthy plant-based lunches that are also appealing to little taste buds. So, is the effort worth it? Is plant-based eating a good option for kids, and what should you know? How Is Plant-Based Different From […]

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Optimum Nutrition vs Myprotein: Which is better?

Choosing the right protein powder isn’t fun anymore. With all the flavours, prices, nutritional values, and concerns related, it’s hard to understand what exactly you should be looking for. Especially since the sports nutrition and supplement industry has stepped up a notch, with brands offering upgraded products that can just come across as overwhelming. To […]

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The Brain-Boosting Benefits of Lion’s Mane

Lion’s Mane mushrooms (Hericium Erinaceus) apparently earned their regal name from their unusual appearance. The lion’s mane is a symbol of health and potency and for this reason, this is an apt name as this fungus also exudes power, excellence, and authority, making it the king of the mushrooms.  Multiple other nicknames include Monkey’s Head, […]

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Are Mr. Noodles good or bad for you?

Mr. Noodles is a Canadian brand of instant ramen noodles that has been manufacturing noodles since the 1970s. Today these noodles are also available in other countries such as the UK in places such as Costco and Amazon. Mr. Noodles is just one of the many instant noodle brands and the question is: are these […]

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